Dresden Charta for Sustainability in the Cultural Sector

Resource Name: Dresden Charta for Sustainability in the Cultural Sector

Type of resource: other

Organisation/Authors: Landeshauptstadt Dresden

Category: Charta

Language: English, German

Brief description: The central objective of this charta is to support a comprehensive sustainability transformation of the cultural sector and to use this to influence society, politics and the economy.

Art and culture thrive on diversity and internationality. In the area of tension between artistic freedom, the preservation of material and immaterial cultural assets and ecological-social responsibility, it is important to find ways of conscientiously handling artistic, scientific and production-related resources. It is up to the cultural institutions themselves to set an example and to take and communicate sustainability measures.

Keywords: Policymakers, Young people, Municipalities, CCSs actors, Local artists

Link: https://www.dresden.de/en/05/dresden-charta.php