How can we engage more young people in arts and culture? A guide to what works for funders and arts organisations

Resource Name: How can we engage more young people in arts and culture? A guide to what works for funders and arts organisations

Type of resource: Guidebook

Organisation/Authors: NPC

Category: Youth work and youth empowerment

Language: English

Brief description: Funders and arts organisations can overcome the barriers to engagement if they follow the evidence of what works, so that all young people are able to benefit from the arts. In this report, it was examined why it can be difficult for young people to engage with the offer of arts organisations and propose a framework for overcoming these barriers. The guide is based on a literature review, workshops and interviews with arts organisations, and focus groups and interviews with young people . Central recommendations are the importance of having a commitment to young people, involving young people in decisions, providing a welcoming space, and forming partnerships with other youth organisations.

Target Groups: Youth Leaders, Policymakers, Youthworkers, Young people, Municipalities, CCSs actors, Local artists
