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Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV) was founded in 2004 with the aim of providing opportunities for young people and adults to develop and use their soft and professional skills and stimulate their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit through non-formal learning methods, digital media, different forms of art and intercultural dialogue. Located in Dresden, Germany, JKPeV is dedicated to promoting active citizenship and EU values. The association also contributes to the cultural enrichment of the city of Dresden through the implementation of international cross-disciplinary artistic activities and events.
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Eurosuccess Consulting (EUROSC) is a Consulting & Training organization active in the field of project management, training & consulting services. Through a dynamic team of young scientists, Eurosuccess provides a comprehensive package of services addressing the needs of various target groups and organizations, regarding their lifelong learning opportunities, in Cyprus and abroad. The organisation offers a variety of services to the Public, as well as the Private sector of Cyprus. It also actively participates in international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad, based on the intense past experience of its founder. Eurosuccess is a member of the: European Forum of Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), International Trade Council, European Prison Education Association (EPEA), European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (KeyCoNet Network), Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), and Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation and Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI). Furthermore, Eurosuccess is an accredited VET Center from the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, the relevant public authority as regards to training and education.
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Anelixis Development Consultants S.S.A. was established by professional economists with experience in Business Consulting, its main activity is to provide technical support to private and public sector. The human resource of "Anelixis Development Consultants S.S.A." consists of economists with graduate specialization and scientists of various disciplines such as engineers, environmentalists, lawyers, architects, IT managers and social scientists. "Anelixis Development Consultants S.S.A." is part of the "Advisory - Consulting firms and institutions", while specialized topics are: Technical consulting services to private, public and wider public sector, Economic interest studies, Development and management of European Programs, Management of co-financed projects in the wider public sector, Strategic Planning, Business re-organization, Dissemination events, Training and educational activities and Preparation for Quality Management Systems acquisition.Anelixis Development Consultants S.S.A. is very experienced in the field of international cooperation and to the development, submission, implementation and management of transnational projects. The company has managed to initiate and coordinate a wide range of EU funded projects such as Erasmus+, Ris3Crete, NSRF, Interreg, Horizon etc.
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Cyprus Academy of Local Government
The Academy of Local Government of Cyprus was established in 2013 and its main goal is to allow the Local Government of Cyprus to follow the European trends through training, since the responsibilities of Local Government and powers assigned by the Central Government in Cyprus are constantly increasing. The Academy undertook on its own initiative, on a permanent scientific basis, the management of the training of human resources, elected officials and other officials serving the Local Government. An internal effort to improve skills and abilities and to promote modern management methods. The legal status that governs it is a non-profit joint stock company, with 40% shareholders the Association of Municipalities of Cyprus, 40% the Union of Communities of Cyprus and 20% the Development Company of the Province of Larnaca and Famagusta, which was assigned the role of coordinator. The Academy is governed by a 13-member Board of Directors. Five members are appointed by the Association of Municipalities of Cyprus, five members by the Association of Communities of Cyprus and three members by the Development Company of the Province of Larnaca and Famagusta.
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I-PARTICIPATE is a non-profit organization established in 2018 and it is based in Larissa, Greece. I-PARTICIPATE aims to strengthen active citizenship, to support active participation among citizens and to promote European values, ideas and European identity and culture, while at the same time highlighting lifelong learning as a necessary means for strengthening citizenship. We believe that active citizenship does not end in active participation neither it depends only on politics and taking part in elections, but it encompasses personal, social, political and human rights. The right to education is connected with the identity of a person as a citizen and it is an important means for promoting democracy as well as combating various issues such as social, human and environmental that its continuation depends. We are confident that solving these problems is closely connected with the person, who is the cornerstone of a democratic society. We believe that the future, not only of democracy but also Europe’s and humanity’s is closely connected with social inclusion and freedoms.
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Sharing Europe was founded in 2012 with the aim of promoting social, cultural and educational development, organizing cultural and interdisciplinary exchanges, designing events and communication campaigns, through projects within local, national and European programs, in particular in the fields of education, culture and youth. Located in Florence, Italy, Sharing Europe is dedicated to promoting active citizenship and EU values. The association also contributes to the cultural enrichment of the city of Florence through the implementation of artistic activities, communication campaigns and events, in collaboration with Local actors (Local Authorities, schools, media, CCS organizations).