Resource Name: PRIORITY Methodology
Type of resource: Methodology
Organisation/Authors: Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV – Germany), “KAINOTOMIA” Center for Lifelong Learning (I.C.L.L. – Greece), Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” (Italy), ASSIST Software (Romania), Mine Vaganti NGO (Italy), MV International (MVI – Italy)
Category: Methods for the outreach of young people
Language: English, Greek, Italian, German
Brief description: The PRIORITY Methodology compiles a substantial and comprehensive collection of key resources that can be transferred and adapted in any contexts, with the long-term purpose of supporting the process of inclusion and counteracting the one of marginalisation and radicalisation.
All the information collected in this document has taken into account the research implemented for developing the deliverable of WP2-Preparation and Mapping of the Ground Research, Collection of Best Practices regarding marginalisation and radicalisation in partner countries.
Youth Workers, youth leaders, educators and trainers, sports educators, cross cultural mediators and municipal youth workers that work with young people and especially with young people with migrant or refugee background can greatly benefited by this Guide as it gives them the opportunity to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the following topics:
Art as a Tool for Inclusion
Intercultural Mediation as a Tool for Inclusion
Civic Education as a Tool for Inclusion
Sport and Volunteering Approach as a Tool for Inclusion
Keywords: Youth Leaders, Policymakers, Youthworkers, Young people, Municipalities, Local artists