Unleashing young people’s creativity and innovation – European good practice projects

Resource Name: Unleashing young people’s creativity and innovation – European good practice projects

Type of resource: Brochure

Organisation/Authors: European Union – Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Category: Youth and Culture

Language: English

Brief description: This brochure contains inspiring initiatives, practices and tools, including the EU projects, that showcase how youth work and non-formal learning can enhance young people’s creativity and innovation, through their experimental nature, participatory approaches, and peer-learning, and how this can help them to find their place in the labour market – and in life.

Target Groups: Youth Leaders, Policymakers, Youthworkers, Young people, Municipalities, CCSs actors, Local artists

Link: https://ec.europa.eu/assets/eac/youth/library/publications/creativity-innovation_en.pdf